June 1 – Day six

I was up early and went topside to check out the conditions. Another great day. A light breeze and hardly a cloud in the sky. The locals we have talked to have all said we are very lucky. The weather is mostly windy and rainy here so Mother Nature is shining on us again. The plan is to motor over to another fjord this morning and then paddle and hike a bit. Here are some pictures along our route to the next town.

This is the island we paddled around. The fog this morning made for great pictures.
We had a nice wind so up went the sails
There is a lake in the valley at the top of waterfall. The town where we’ll tie up is on the other side of this mountain.
Lots of big caves along our route but too far from our destination to paddle back to.
Getting close to our port. This is the finger in local folklore. A god fell in the ocean and this is the hand/finger pointing up.
This is the town where we’ll tie up for the night.

We had a great trip around to our next destination, Miovagur on Vagar, to tie up. After getting all settled, the whole bunch minus me, went on a hike to the lake and waterfall that we saw on our way around.

I on the other hand got my kayak in the water and went out exploring. I made my way out to the finger and headed across the fjord to the point on the other side. I set a time limit and if I did not make it across by my limit I would turn around. Everything is so big out here that judging distances from the kayak is quite difficult. I was looking at making it to a cave on the other side. When I thought I was a little over 3/4 of the way across I was almost at my time limit so I changed course and headed up the fjord for a little and than turned and headed back towards the finger. Funny thing, later in the evening when I checked my paddle tracks I discovered that I had only gone a little over halfway across before turning around. The distance across was a lot more than it looked like and I had a good current against me. I would have needed another hour to make it to the other side. Regardless, it was a fantastic paddle out and back. And I did come across a very large seal in the surface chowing down on something big.

I discovered a lot of arches and caves under the “finger” great to paddle in.
The other side that I thought I might make it to.
Small caves near the finger.
Heading back to the town and our boat.
Several very big salmon farms just outside the harbor. They had a big fish processing ship right next to them. When I paddled by, the salmon were jumping all over the place inside the big rings.

I had a fantastic paddle and found the neatest set of arches to paddle around in. What fun and just an amazing place to paddle. I made my way back towards town and got waves and hollers from the boys rowing team. A little later as I was about to pass the break water I met up with the girls rowing team. They were very interested in our sailboat and where we all came from. I asked them if they could show me their fast start which really got them excited. They wanted to show off so the coach relented and got them ready. Then the countdown and off they went. Pretty impressive how quickly they got up to speed. I gave them a shout out and headed back to the landing and our boat.

At dinner everyone decided it would be good to get up early for a morning paddle. I did not tell anyone about all the arches to paddle in so they could be surprised if we paddled out there.

The rest of the crew did have a great hike up to the lake and water fall so everyone was happy for such a great day.

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